Thursday, July 14, 2011

Only P499. 75% OFF Supple Skin with Karat Peel at Svelte Wellness Center in Eastwood City. Original Value: P1500.

  • 75% OFF Supple Skin with Karat Peel at Svelte Wellness Center in Eastwood City.
  • Pay only P499 for smooth, clear &  supple skin
  • Total beauty starts with smooth, clear skin
  • Regularly removing the dead surface layer of skin cells will reveal a healthy glow & clear up the excess oil that can make your skin look greasy.
  • Karat Peel is a gentler microdermabrasion treatment that is designed to remove fine lines and wrinkles.
  • A non-surgical cosmetic procedure, theKarat Peel resurfaces the skin to give it back its healthy, youthful glow.
  • Karat Peel is not irritating or uncomfortable, and in fact, considered painless.
  • Your skin will look slightly pink and rosy with age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, and stretch marks less noticeable, or gone completely after the treatment
  • There is no unsightly redness or peeling after the procedure, so you can go back to your day-to-day activities immediately.
  • The technique stimulates the elastin and collagen to generate new cell growth, minimize pore size, fight-off fine lines and wrinkles, lighten pigmentations.

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